This blog is an archive of random thoughts I’ve had, noteworthy quotes I’ve found, memorable lyrics I’ve heard, and photos and memories that I do not want to forget from over the years.

– george

Winter bonfire.

Ice fishing on a clear winter day.

I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question.

Harun Yahya

First snow in New York.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not why ships are built.

We are frail, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Forged in the fires of human passion, choking on the fumes of selfish rage. And with these our hells and our heavens, so few inches apart, we must be awfully small, and not as strong as we think we are.

Rich Mullins

Getting ready to spend a little time sailing on the river in Connecticut.

It feels like fall here in New York, so we’re having a little bonfire.

My favorite place in the whole world: an estuary near our place in Connecticut.

Some crabs we caught and cooked up the other night.

The tide goes out imperceptibly. The boulders show and seem to rise up and the ocean recedes leaving little pools, leaving wet weed and moss and sponge, iridescence and brown and blue and China red. On the bottoms lie the incredible refuse of the sea, shells broken and chipped and bits of skeleton, claws, the whole sea bottom a fantastic cemetery on which the living scamper and scramble.

John Steinbeck

We found a fairy house while on a walk at a nature preserve nearby. The children were enchanted by it.

Our Father who art in nature, who has given the gift of survival to the coyote, the common brown rat, the English sparrow, the house fly and the moth, must have a great and overwhelming love for no-goods and blots-on-the-town and bums, and Mack and the boys. Virtues and graces and laziness and zest. Our Father who art in nature.

John Steinbeck – Cannery Row

It was like nails on the chalkboard of my morality.